Recommendations Anime 10719-11887

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
If you liked
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Kokoro Connect
...then you might like
Kokoro Connect
The student cultural society and the neighbors club are very similar in their scope. The lack of it being a conventional club, in addition to both clubs helping out the students social lives, means that they’re very general settings for both of these animes are very similar.
report Recommended by Cosplay_Joe
Clubs, high school, slice of life, romance. Both are about people trying to get along with each other. Both are love triangle anime Kokoro Connect is supernatural, Boku wa Tomodachi is ecchi, Both are flippin good.
report Recommended by Littaylor
Both are kinda about clubs and outcast meeting together, though the characters from Kokoro has a deeper bond. Also, in Kokoro, it has more of a supernatural setting, while Haganai is more of a friendly setting. Though, both of these series show the deep connection between friends. Some by comedic values, and some by a drama aspect.
report Recommended by xxxxxxxsdsdas
Both these anime take place in a school club room. The characters and comedy in both are similar. Both involve a bit of romance between members.
report Recommended by Mersha
Same setting with similar main protagonists. Striking resemblance when compared
report Recommended by CompuBob