Recommendations Anime 11433-11887

Ano Natsu de Matteru
If you liked
Ano Natsu de Matteru
Kokoro Connect
...then you might like
Kokoro Connect
-Supernatural things and unexpected events happens in their summer -School life/slice of life anime
report Recommended by MagicFlier
The same feeling while watching both of them. Supernatural phenomena happening to a group of students and lots of drama.
report Recommended by sirRaito
Main characters are just relaxing in their daily lives until some supernatural entity enters it. They try to stay as friends while dealing with the alien, and learn different morals on their journey.
report Recommended by Camarel
Both these anime provide romance with ALOT of drama and it involves inhuman powers. This makes these two anime very different from your basic romance anime.
report Recommended by EuH3llscyth3
-love triangles -coming of age story -an intervening force in the daily lives of the characters -learning about love and loss
report Recommended by quitobarajas