Recommendations Anime 154-20899

Shaman King
If you liked
Shaman King
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
...then you might like
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Both series are very good shounens, have similar powers (Stands and Oversouls), extremely charismatic characters, supernatural stuff and very good fights with many twists.
report Recommended by Loalder
Both are very good shounen anime, featuring characters with similar supernatural abilities. They feature on battles between people who use their "spirits" to fight each other, and have likable characters, comedic relief and great action scenes.
report Recommended by BohemianRhapsody
You can clearly see how similar power both anime have, both are good adventures, awesome characters, souls etc. but JOJO is JOJO tho :3 yare yare daze....
report Recommended by BrawlerJoe
ambos son shonens que manejan los espiritus como sistema de poder mientras viajan por el mundo buscando al villano de turno, premicia muy similar, solo que stardust crusaders se sale mas de los cliches convencionales de las series shonen, asi que si de chiquito veias shaman king ahora de grande esto te va a fascinar
report Recommended by napkt