Recommendations Anime 16035-31478

Karneval (TV)
If you liked
Karneval (TV)
Bungou Stray Dogs
...then you might like
Bungou Stray Dogs
The feeling of the Bungou Stray Dogs anime feels a lot like Karneval. Also, the main characters are somewhat "naive" and just go with the flow. The art look alike, as well as the plot (two different organisations with quircky characters and superpowers) Lastly, the voice actor of Dazai is the same as Yogi's from Karneval. The characters in both anime are lovable and somewhat unique.
report Recommended by pixelyourscreen
Both stories feature a boy who aren't human, instead partially or more animal. These boys both have nowhere to go, and are then soon accompanied by a goofy character and a more serious character. Like Nai, Atsushi is thrown into an organization / group to carry out "missions" of some sort. Another similarity being that there is a person / organization targeting the main character. Both stories involve "powers" / "skills" that are unique to each person. -main characters are boys who appear human but aren't (Nai / Atsushi) -there's a goofy character you can't help but love (Yogi / Dazai) (these two even have the  
report Recommended by HDAlchemist
Both focus on supernatural themed stories of groups fighitng each other and have characters who get caught up in the war between said groups too.
report Recommended by Disapeared_Ghost
same: -supernatural organizations -sorta naive main character who joins said organization because they're being hunted by the enemy -bomb openings -main character has animal related "ability" -also they just give off a similar vibe different: -bungou stray dogs is definitely much darker -Karneval sadly only has one season in BSD the main character actually joins the organization, while in Karneval the two leads actually join in order to be protected
report Recommended by -IguanaMilk-