Recommendations Anime 3701-40834

If you liked
Ousama Ranking
...then you might like
Ousama Ranking
- Main character in both shows are trying to become better (coming of age) - Super heartwarming tearjerking wholesome story - Extremely good animation (despite simple character design, the production is superbly good with great OST & super smooth action scenes) - Kaiba is 2000s masterpiece from super director Maasaki Yuasa (animated in Madhouse), meanwhile Ousama Ranking is 2020s masterpiece from WIT Studio (famously for Guilty Crown, Attack on Titans first 3 seasons, Vivy, Kabaneri) MUST WATCH!
report Recommended by NickLim27
> Both main protagonist set off in a journey and faces many perils with the help of their respective partner. > While the main characters are usually mute they can speak to some degree; Boji being born voiceless and deaf let's out indistinctive sounds but can be understood with sign language whilst Kaiba having amnesia remains mostly silent despite being able to speak. > Even though the art style seems childish in nature they both narrate themes directed towards a mature audience.
report Recommended by Moon_Sham
The visual style of both shows are similar, and both share children being the protagonist. They also deal with mature themes and plot points which seem to be aimed at older audiences, despite the playful art style.
report Recommended by FridayNight_
Both shows share a similar visual style. Character designs feel like they're inspired by Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), which gives it a kiddy feel, and the animation is very fluid. But make no mistake, these shows both deal with heavy themes and are probably aimed at more mature audiences. Kaiba is more bizarre and filled with symbols, while Ousama Ranking has a more conventional story, but it's still quite mature. Both are probably masterpieces
report Recommended by R0rack